Tax Certificate and HNWI
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Obtain your tax residence in Georgia and benefit from the tax advantages of The Jewel of the Caucasus

We process your tax residence in Georgia if you reside at least 183 days a year (consecutive or intercalated) and you will obtain your tax certificate in less than 1 week . Contact us if you have particular requests and wish to obtain tax residence through HNWI.

If you hire the urgent procedure you will obtain your tax certificate in less than 7 days. In the event that we process your request in a standard way, you will receive the tax certificate within a maximum period of 30 days. Subject to approval by the tax authorities in Georgia.

Tax Document 1 Tax certificate

Reside for 183 days or more per year and be a tax resident in Georgia

georgian flag

georgian flag


days within any 12-month period
Tax resident

Tax Residency through 183 days-rule

Get your tax certificate in Georgia using the 183 day rule. If you spend at least six months in Georgia, staggered or continuous, and during the last 12 months, you will be able to become a tax resident and comply with your tax obligations in the country. Our service will guide you through the process to make sure everything is done correctly and you can enjoy the tax benefits that Georgia offers. Contact us now for more information

HNWI (High Net Worth Individual)

The High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) Program is an exclusive option to become a personal tax resident of Georgia without needing to meet the standard 183-day physical presence requirement; The qualifying process can be complicated. Our service takes the stress and confusion out of getting you the result you want with minimal hassle. Not sure if the High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) Program is right for you? Contact us.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure if the High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) Program is right for you? Contact us and we will help you solve all your doubts.

Do I have to reside 183 days a year in Georgia consecutively or can I do it fractionally?

You can come and go to Georgia, so that you meet the goal of residing at least 183 days in the last 12 months.

If I reside in Georgia at the end of this year, and I complete my 183 days at the beginning of the following year, for what year will I receive my tax residency?

You will obtain your tax residence certificate in the same year in which you meet the requirement of residing for a minimum of 183 days in the last 12 months and for that specific year, and not for the previous one.

How is the process of obtaining the tax certificate carried out? How long does the application take?

The process of obtaining the tax residence certificate can take up to 20 business days, in the case of the standard procedure, and 7 days in the case of the urgent procedure (upon payment of an additional fee). Once you have resided for more than 183 days in the last 12 months in Georgia, our tax team will contact you to start the application process and will provide you with enough support to obtain it within that maximum period without you having to worry about anything else.

Should I translate the tax certificate into my native language and have it apostilled?

In most cases, the countries of origin request a tax certificate (among other documentation) in order to be able to notify the Revenue Services Agency of your timely change of tax residence. In Georgia, the tax certificate is issued in Georgian and English, however, (as in Spain) you may need to translate it into Spanish and have it apostilled, otherwise it will not be valid. The translation and apostille service is included in our service.

When should I renew my tax certificate? Can you renew it for me?

Must be renewed every fiscal year. Renewal must be completed by December 31. You must have continued to meet the requirements listed above to qualify for renewal. Of course, we can handle your renewal.

Does my home country have a Double Taxation Agreement with Georgia?

One of the first things you should do is check if your current country of tax residence has a double taxation agreement with Georgia. If so, you may be able to avoid paying tax on the same income twice. Do not forget to deregister tax in your previous country of residence conveniently, otherwise, you may incur tax problems with your initial country. We can help you with your Georgia tax matters, but if you have questions about taxes in other countries, you should consult with a tax advisor from your specific country.

Are there any additional fees?

No. Any documentation, procedure, notary and translation costs, public registry and our legal services are included. The annual renewal price is not included in our original fee. You can review our pricing policy for this service

Contact with our local agents

Our expertise:

  • Expert guidance and support for clients

  • Comprehensive knowledge of the legal, financial, and business landscape in Georgia

  • Unparalleled expertise in navigating complex legal and financial requirements

  • Go-to resource for anyone looking to establish themselves in Georgia

  • Help clients make a successful transition to living and doing business in Georgia.

  • Valuable insights into real estate market and investment opportunities in the country.

    Reside for tax purposes in Georgia and increase your wealth by saving on taxes and cost of living

    On average, 75% of our clients who are self-employed in Georgia have increased their savings capacity and personal wealth by up to 30% per year, compared to other years as a tax resident in other countries. If you also want to improve your financial health, grow your business and bet on a safe country that offers you low taxes, contact us.

    Tax residence

    Obtain your fiscal residence through the 183-day Rule.

    • Including:

    • Comprehensive tax consultancy

    • Organization and submission of the application

    • Translation into your main language and apostille

    • Comprehensive legal advice

    • Including legal fees and public fees

    • Extras:

    • Urgent procedure: €50 + 18% VAT (Unique rate)

    • 250€ + 18% VAT

    250€ + 18% VAT

    Contact us if you need advice or do not know what type of request applies to your particular case.

    • Including:

    • Drafting of all required Georgian documents (including notarization and translation)

    • If necessary: Business registration, opening of bank accounts and Revenue Services account

    • Organization and presentation of your application.

    • Translation into your main language and apostille

    • Comprehensive legal advice.

    • Including legal, public registry, notary and translation costs

    Variable Price: €600 to €1,900 + 18% VAT (Contact us if you want a quote for your particular case)

    Variable Price: €600 to €1,900 + 18% VAT
    (Contact us if you want a quote for your particular case)

    We respect your privacy

    We respect our customer’s privacy and we do not share confidential information with third parties, countries or any kind of institution.

    We optimyze your taxes

    "Our accountants and tax staff will take care of your tax optimization plan, so you will be able to reduce your tax obligations inside of the law."

    360° solution

    We are able to register your business, settle monthly declarations, prepare legal agreements, take care of your tax obligations and help you to invest in the country.


    We talk your language

    We understand your needs and we will talk in the same language. Remember: from expats, to expats, with a local professionals who will take care of everything. We speakSpanish, English and Russian.


    "Me asesoraron y tramitaron la residencia fiscal en Georgia, me acompañaron en todos los tramites que necesité. Para cualquier duda o gestión que necesité, me lo solucionaron rápidamente, incluso para encontrar vivienda. Solo hablo español y me siento seguro en Georgia con ellos. Volvería a contratar sus servicios y los recomiendo al 100%"


    "Desde que decidí abrir mi empresa en Georgia, ellos me han ayudado con todo. También con la compra de mi casa en Tbilisi. Siempre han estado disponibles para mí y me han ayudado en todo lo que he necesitado. Es una empresa seria, organizada y capaz de ayudar en todo."

    Alexander, Software Developer

    "I highly recommend Your Company in Georgia for anyone looking to open an LLC in Georgia. Their team is professional, knowledgeable, and efficient. They took care of all the paperwork and made the process hassle-free, allowing me to focus on other aspects of my business."


    "Really outstanding service from Adrián and the entire team. They are highly available, qualified, and ready to answer any query, as complicated as it may be, in no time. Their service makes me able to focus on what I really know what to do, and leave what I do not in their capable hands. Would not think about it twice before hiring their service."


    "Связывалась с Адрианом и его командой для поиска квартиры в аренду. У меня были детальные требования к квартире. Удивлена и благодарна, что нашли наилучший вариант в самый короткий срок, учитывая абсолютно все мои пожелания."


    "Я осталась очень довольна сервисом по подбору аренды недвижимости! Оперативно нашли несколько подходящих для меня вариантов, обеспечили юридическое сопровождение. Рекомендую"

    Our solutions

    Our company will take care of your relocation to Georgia, business registration, accounting, legal consultations, investments, property rental in Georgia and much more. We are ready to make your life more easy in The Jewel of the Caucasus. We care so you dont worry about anything

    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Banking services
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Legal Residency
    Legal Residency
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Banking services
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Real Estate
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Real Estate
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Real Estate
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Banking services
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Individual Entrepreneur
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI
    Banking services
    Legal Residency
    Banking services
    Tax Certificate and HNWI

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    With our exclusive Wiki Access, you'll receive premium information about Georgia that's only available to our valued customers. This includes insights on the country's laws, taxes, real estate information, recommended contacts, exclusive blogs and video interviews and much more. Stay up-to-date with the latest information and make informed decisions with our comprehensive resources. Join us today and start exploring!


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